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Gta 4 Serial Code Offline (Updated 2022)


A: I know that this topic is old but for future reference I did manage to find a way to download GTA V for offline and it requires: Modem Internet Access Download the downloaded file which is package as it will be registered as an application to run when installed. Steps: Copy the file Install it to your computer Reboot your computer Install file Now you are free to play GTA V with no internet access or without an internet connection. Q: How to cache datatables rows from server to local storage I am trying to cache the rows of my datatable for offline view. var table = $("#example-table").DataTable({ "processing": true, "serverSide": true, "ajax": "serverSide.php" }); $("#example-table").on("page.dt", function () { $(this).dataTable().fnDestroy(); table.table().footable(); The page.dt event is what I am using to refresh the table with the server data when the page loads. However, I was able to successfully cache the server data, but it is not being refreshed. How can I get the data to be refreshed? I tried appending the data in the function, but it did not work. Thank you in advance for any help. Create an array of server data and save it locally, e.g.: function saveData(data, success, error) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "save.php", dataType: "json", data: { serverData: data }, success: success, error: error }); } // save server data saveData(data, function () { // save data // retrieve data function retrieveData(success, error

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